Custom Zapier integration
Send user data to Zapier
Why use Zapier custom integration?
Our Zapier integration is growing in triggers and actions. However, you might find situations where there aren't enough triggers for your specific needs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to send user data to Zapier at any moment.
Before you start
You must already have a Zapier account and be able to create new Zaps.
1. Choose Zapier Webhook as the trigger
In the first step, search for and select the Zapier Webhook trigger.
2. Choose the trigger "Catch Hook"
The Catch Hook trigger will return parsed data from the trigger app.
Pick Off A Child Key: this is the specific key you want Zapier to use from the request you make to the webhook URL. This is useful if you only need a subset of the data that is sent to the webhook.
Click Continue.
In the Test tab, you’ll see your webhook URL appears. Click Copy to copy the URL to your clipboard.
You can select Silent Mode since we won't need the response.
3. Create the automation
Before you proceed further with Zapier, you will have to send the first POST message to the URL provided by Zapier. To do so, go to Automation and create a new automation.
Inside, there will be a simple page view trigger connected to the module API call. Inside the page view trigger, simply enter something like "thispagewilltriggerzapier". Inside the module API call, only update the first field, URL, pasting there the URL provided by Zapier.
Now save the action as active and set it to trigger each time the condition is met.
5. Trigger the automation
Now visit your page with the text specified in the trigger, in this case, Remember to add the question mark before the text!
6. Test the trigger
You can now go back to Zapier and test your trigger. If your automation was triggered and the API call had the right URL, everything should work without issues.
7. The action
The side of the Zap is finished - you can move on to setting up the Action such as creating a spreadsheet row with the data collected from
Integration with other systems.
No matter which integration system you use, the process will be similar:
1. Create a webhook trigger.
2. Call the webhook via automation to map inform the integration systems about the data structure that is being sent from
3. Define the action of the integration.