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Lech Gorlewicz
Written by Lech Gorlewicz

How to A/B test email messages?

Create several version of an email campaign and see which ones perfrom best

Why create A/B tests?

Sometimes you are not sure which version of your email would work better. The truth is, you don't have to know. All you have to do is create an A/B test and compare the impact that both emails had on your prospects. In this article, we will walk through the entire process of creating an A/B test. 

Preparing the test

  1. Create 2 email messages that you want to compare
  2. Head over to email campaigns and create a new campaign
  3. In the second step of creating an email campaign add the email messages that you want to compare. You can add up to 10 different versions to send (A,B,C,D...). But, remember that the more versions you have, the bigger the recipient group should be to measure the effectiveness of a given message.

Once you send this email campaign, an equal number of users will get each version of the message that you have provided.

Measuring test results:

  1. Head over to the campaign that you are testing.
  2. You will see the list of your email versions. Each email will have the open, click and unsubscribe rate along with sent counter and other key data.