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Grzegorz Kacperski
Written by Grzegorz Kacperski

Important elements for data import from any CRM

The order of correct data import from any CRM and the elements to which you should pay attention before you start this import

The order of the sections import

Depending on the occurrences of unique numbers identifying records from given sections, the import must proceed in the order resulting from the mentioned occurrences. It means:

  1. We start with importing a section that has no ID from the other sections assigned to it.
  2. Next, we import the section that is assigned only to the section imported previously.
  3. Repeat the above steps in the same way for the last import

For example, in the case of Pipedrive it will be like:

  1. We start with importing Companies (no ID connections)
  2. Then we import People (link to Companies)
  3. Then we import Deals (link to Companies and People)
  4. To finally import Activities (link to Companies, People and Deals)

Another important thing that you need to pay attention to when migrating from another CRM to our product is the compliance of standard values for our product, the attributes that we are trying to import.

Maintaining the appropriate types of attributes

When moving from another CRM to our product, please remember that the attributes used in this product must have specific data. This means that the type of the variables must be kept, as it is required for the correct operation of our automations.

Each single element that fails to import correctly will cause the entire record to not appear in the database at all, so we have prepared a list of attributes that can cause the most problems, in case the previous database in which you stored the data did not specify their type:

  • Email attribute

If one of the variables is to have an email address, then it must be valid (e.g. the address should not contain spaces, there should be no non-letter characters at the end of the address, or there should be no second '@' character), a single address . It is not possible to assign multiple addresses to a user, regardless of the order in which they would be given and whether they were addresses with the correct form.

  • Datetime attribute

A datetime attribute, for the purposes of our product, must be consistent with UTC time in the extended ISO 8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DDThh: mm: ssZ)

  • Fixed Choice attribute type

The fixed choice attribute can be either simple or multiple. When you create an attribute of this type with its options in the application, in the import file, the field with the value for this attribute should be provided: the exact name of the option which should match 1:1 with the name given in the attribute settings OR give several option names separated from each other with the sign |.


We have the fixed choice attribute which has the ability to choose several options from which we can choose from the options X, Y and Z.

Want to add an object to one of the sections with X and Z options assigned? It's easy! Just enter X|Z in the appropriate field.

  • Name attribute in People section

As for the Name attribute, in our product its value results from the combination of two other attributes - First Name and Last Name. Therefore it is not possible to import the Name attribute itself.

  • Pipelines and Stages in Deals section

Another noteworthy element that should be considered before importing your data is checking whether each deal has a few attributes - pipeline and stage. Without a pair of pipeline and stage, we can't identify the stage because:

  1. Stage is a mandatory attribute
  2. Stage, although it can be repeated in many pipelines, in each of these pipelines it will have a different id value, which is taken when identifying both - stage and pipeline.

IMPORTANT: The appropriate id of both attributes must be given before import by manually adding their names in our application.

  • Status in Deals section

Another thing to check in deals is the status that must be given as an integer:

1 - In progress

2 - Won

3 - Lost

4 - Archived

  • Type in Activity section

When going to activities, in addition to the attribute types mentioned at the beginning, pay attention to the types of each activity. For import, as in the case of statuses, stages or pipelines in deals, they must be given as Integer, with the basic types present in our product, having the appropriate values:

1 - Call

2 - Email

3 - Meeting

4 - Task

5 - Lunch

6 - Deadline

IMPORTANT: non-standard types of activities (types that are not included in our application by default) must be added manually before importing so that you can refer to them by using the appropriate Integer.

Import methods

At it is possible to import data from other CRMs, through ready-made functionalities such as import from Intercom or Pipedrive, but in case of problems with standardisation of your data, we recommend importing using CSV files, in which we can help with the use of a ready template, which additionally streamline the entire process.
