WooCommerce User.com integration
How to integrate User.com with your WooCommerce shop in under 7 minutes
Before you start
You need:
- A Google Tag Manager account (You don't have to implement it yet.) Register here.
- User.com application
- Access to your WooCommerce backend
Step 1. Import our integration GTM container.
- Open your GTM.
- Create a new container.
- Click here to download our GTM integration container
- Click Admin -> Import Container
- As the destination of the file, in Choose workspace, select Existing and choose the option MERGE. Only if your container was so far empty you can click OVERWRITE.
- Click Choose container file and select the newly downloaded container file.
- Confirm the operation.
Step 2. Set up your app code inside Implementation Tag.
- Go to your app, Settings > Setup & integrations. Your app ID is the six characters code provided over there.
- Open the section Tags of GTM. Open UE - implementation tag and paste the app ID in the ApiKey filed in the code.
- In this tag, look for app.userengage line and change it to <your_app_name>.user.com where yourappname is the name of your User.com application in small caps.
Step 3. Install the plugin Google Tag Manager for Wordpress.
- Install this plugin on your WooCommerce page
- Go to settings and:
- Setup the plugin to implement GTM, (alternatively, you can implement GTM yourself) and paste your GTM container ID in the right field of the settings tab.
- Go to Basic Data -> Visitors and select the checkboxes as on the screenshot below:
- Go to Integration -> WooCommerce and select the checkboxes as on the screenshot below and save all the change
- Activate the plugin.
Step 4. Create User Attributes in User.com.
- Go to Settings -> Main settings -> User data & events -> Client attributes.
- Click the button Add Sample Attributes.
- Choose WooCommerce Enhanced Ecommerce and save.
- It's ready!
What does this integration do?
- Performs basic User.com implementation: user tracking, collecting data, chat widget and general connection between the system and the website visitor
- Registers the following Product events:
- Add (product was added to the cart)
- Order (product was purchased)
- Remove (from cart)
- Click (product click)
- Checkout
- Registers the following user data:
- Username
- User id (for identifying logged-in users)
- All shipping data
- All billing data