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Maciej Rzadkowski
Written by Maciej Rzadkowski

Module guide: Answer condition

Learn more about this useful Chatbot module

What it does

This module lets you filter the answers your customers give to Chatbot. While talking with a chatbot, people give many answers to questions asked by Chatbot - thanks to this module, you'll be able to set actions to follow after users give specific answers.

Simply select the message name you’ve put in the module "Bot Message" ,and the "input/pick" answer you want to filter. Have in mind, this module can only be used with "Bot Message", it cannot be combined with any other module.

How to use it

Message - the message name you’ve defined in the field, "Message name", in the module "Bot message"


or - only one of the answers meets the condition

and - all of the answers meet the conditions

  • Click Add another answer

Answer #1 - the answer you want to be the condition

Lookup #

equals - is "Answer #1"

not equals - is not "Answer #1"

  • It is important to choose the right exit node as well:

Yes = if the answer is the same as specified

No = if the answer is different than specified

Case study

Let’s say you’d like to use a bot to engage the user during their first visit to your web page and use it to generate a lead. After you’ve set up Bot message for a fixed-choices question, your bot will show three possible answers:

Next, set up a module Answer condition for each response.

The user is interested in geting a free gift, so they choose the first option. Now, Chatbot asks them to give their email address. It's because there is another module Bot message asking for the email. (I'd recommend also using an Answer condition with a "lookup" containing “@” to validate email addresses.)

Now, thanks to an ingenious module, Send an email campaign, the message with a link to your ebook is sent to your recipient immediately.

Thanks to this simple automation, you can generate leads easily even without live agents available on your chat.

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