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Alina Shafikova
Written by Alina Shafikova

How to implement Double Opt-in process

Boosting Subscriber Engagement and Compliance in Email Marketing.

Implementing a double opt-in process is a strategic move that can significantly enhance the quality and engagement of your email subscriber list. By requiring new subscribers to confirm their interest twice, businesses not only comply with global data protection regulations but also lay the foundation for more effective and targeted email marketing campaigns.

What is double opt-in?

The double opt-in process is a method used in email marketing where a subscriber must confirm their email address twice before they are added to a mailing list. Initially, the subscriber provides their email address through a sign-up form. Then, they receive a confirmation email containing a link, which they must click to verify their subscription. This two-step verification helps ensure the accuracy and willingness of subscribers, leading to higher quality leads and better engagement rates.

What should be done before?

To implement the double opt-in process you need to have single opt-in managed meaning you collect the intent of the user to subscribe to your marketing communication.
It can be done with the help of the pop-ups, embed forms, landing pages, registration forms, etc.
You can have one or multiple channels available on your website.
Once a user fills any “Newsletter Subscription” pop-up fire the event called “Send opt in” - it will be a common start of the double opt-in flow for each source.

Also, remember about having an email domain configured. If you don’t have an email domain connected with, please check the following article and manage it before creating the email campaigns.

Make sure you have created a public user list called “Newsletter” in the Tools > Lists section. It’s recommended to add a detailed description to the list to keep the order. To read more about user lists, check this article.

Create email campaigns

To be ready to send the email campaigns to the user to confirm the subscription/email address you need to prepare 2 campaigns:

1. “Please confirm your subscription”

A well-crafted double opt-in email should be clear, concise, and engaging, designed to confirm the recipient's intent to subscribe. Here’s what it should include:
Subject Line: The subject should be direct and reassuring, such as "Just one more step to join us!" or "Confirm your subscription."

  • Salutation: Use a friendly, personal tone. If possible, address the recipient by name to add a personal touch.

  • Introduction: Briefly remind the recipient that they are receiving this email because they expressed interest in subscribing. This can be a simple sentence like, "Thanks for signing up to receive our newsletter!"

  • Call to Action (CTA): This is the most critical part. Clearly state what the recipient needs to do next — click on the confirmation link provided. The CTA should be prominent and straightforward, such as "Please confirm your subscription by clicking here."

  • Benefits: Quickly highlight what they will gain by subscribing, such as exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products.

When you create a link for your CTA use a dedicated page with the clear “Thank you” message that will confirm the action to the user.
Also, include an element “/?__ca__chat={{receiver.key}}&opt-in=true” in your link. It will help you to identify the click later on in the automation.

2. “You're In! Welcome to the Inside Scoop”

The email confirming a newsletter subscription, sent after a user has completed the double opt-in process, plays a crucial role in welcoming and engaging new subscribers. Here’s how it should be structured:

  • Subject Line: This should be welcoming and affirmative, such as "Welcome aboard!" or "You're all set!"

  • Salutation: Personalize the greeting by using the subscriber's name if possible, e.g., "Hello [Subscriber's Name],"

  • Introduction: Express gratitude and confirm the successful subscription. Something like, "Thank you for confirming your subscription to [Newsletter Name]!"

  • What to Expect: Briefly outline what the subscriber should expect in terms of content frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) and types of content (news updates, tips, special offers).

  • Exclusive Offer or Benefit (optional): To start the relationship on a high note, consider providing a welcome discount, a free download, or exclusive content as a thank you for subscribing.

  • Engagement Invitation: Encourage interaction by inviting them to follow your social media channels or check out specific sections of your website.

  • Unsubscribe Option: Include an easy way to unsubscribe, ensuring compliance with email marketing regulations and reinforcing your respect for the subscriber’s preferences.

Create an automation

Now you need to create an automation to manage the whole double opt-in process.
Let's check how it should look like:

Event trigger > Update User Attribute > Send Email Campaign

This part refers to sending the "Confirm your subscription" email campaign. As mentioned before the process starts with the "Send opt in" event (which is fired in every pop-up/landing page/embed form automation).

Moreover there is a "Update an attribute" module to cover those users who have unsubscribed from your emails before, but changed their mind. So, the "Unsubscribed from emails" attribute is updated it with "false" value to unblock email delivery to such a person.

Email Action/Page Visit > Update User Attribute

This fragment of the flow starts with the CTA click from the "Confirm your subscription" email campaign. This link includes the "/?__ca__chat={{receiver.key}}&opt-in=true" element that makes the link unique and allows you to use it in the trigger. However, taking into the account the fact that some email inbox providers can block the information about the button click, there is a second trigger "Page Visit". it also includes the url "/?opt-in=true". Not to trigger the same flow twice for user whose both link and page visit are tracked fine we keep this part separated from the last fragment.

Client attribute changed > Filter > Add to List > Create an Event > Send Email Campaign

Then on "Client attribute change" the system confirms that "Marketing consent" = true and now you can add the user to the "Newsletter List" and fire "Newsletter subscription" event to be GDPR complaint, after which the "Thank You for Subscribing" email is finally sent.

Timing: put "each time condition is met" here.

Final page where you redirect your users can also be created at app. Just use our Landing Page module for fast and effective work on a dedicated page, that can be published under your domain.

Find more information about it in the following article.

It's an easy way to create your own page without any technical skills or assistance from the technical team.

Elements used in this use case

  • Email Campaigns

  • Automations

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