Integrate your eShop with your app
What you need to do in order to use in your online shop
Implement an online shop in
In order to implement an online shop in, first:
- Enhanced Ecommerce should be implemented on your website.
- This is best done through Google Tag Manager, but the implementation can also be done directly in the code.
Here is the list of Ecommerce Plugins for most well-known solutions:
Please note that the widget must be implemented on the site before we can send any events.
Product events
Each product event refers to a single product. The information passed includes the type of interaction and the specific product ID.
Because one product event is one product, usually events such as 'purchase' are passed in one of two ways:
- as a series of product events
- as a standard event
In product events, we only pass:
- interaction type (view, add, order, checkout)
- product ID
However, product information can be passed by XML file or simply imported via a CSV file.
The structure of events is consistent with what Google Analytics recommends in its Enchanced Ecommerce
Here you can find a ready container for GTM which minimizes the implementation time.