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Benjamin Thomas
Written by Benjamin Thomas

Let’s get it started!

Your first steps in the app

Step 1. Create your account

  1. Go to, click the button "Login" then, in the top right corner, click "Create an account".

  2. Fill in your basic data and create a password.

  3. Add your company details.

  4. Decide on an "App Name" (for example: User Support). The name of the app will be displayed in the chat widget.

  5. If you have access to your website code, paste the visible snippet to your page.

Step 2. Set up your profile

Log in to your app and click the round 'person' icon in the top right corner of the screen. From the drop-down menu, click on your name, you will then be redirected to Agent settings.

On the top of this view you will see a placeholder avatar, you can click it to change your profile picture (an avatar that your users will see).

Then, click on "General information" where you can update the following:

  • First and last name

  • Title

  • Bio

  • Phone number

  • Social media

You can get back here anytime and change the information to whatever you want.

Let’s check out rest of the options:

In Language & timezone you can adjust your app's language, currency (for CRM) and most importantly: timezone. It will be crucial for punctual mailing or automations.

In the next drop-down menu you can adjust your Notification settings in which you decide if you want to receive a daily summary of your emails and notifications about new chat messages, assigned deals, ticket updates and other reminders.

In Active Sessions you can view all of the instances of the chat sessions where you are currently logged in. You can delete these sessions.

Going down, there are the Security settings. To change the password, you need to enter your old password, followed by your new password which you'll need to confirm. This option will not be available if you are using Google OAuth. You can change your password and 2FA settings in the Google settings panel.

At the bottom you can adjust your Agent availability, where you get to customize days and work hours.

Step 3. Import your users

If you want to import your users to, you can do so directly with the CSV .

Please, remember to check the CSV file before importing data!

You can always check our examples here.

Step 4. Customize for your needs

You want to know more about your leads and users to make them loyal happy customers. That’s why it’s important to gather all the pertinent information you can about them. There are two types of data: "User attributes" are about who your users are, while "Events" tell you about the behavior and actions of users on your website.

Learn more about "Custom attributes" here.

Get more info on "Events" here.
