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Sabina Sęk
Written by Sabina Sęk

How to add new contacts

A list of methods you can use to add contacts to your database

Why add your own contacts? will gather information about your users from the moment you place the tracking code on your website. However, you might already have a database full of customers or visitors that you wish to import.

Remember, if you want to add contacts from your Intercom or Mailchimp accounts, we have prepared dedicated importers for that!

How to add a single contact

  1. In order to add a single contact to your database, please visit the section, People, and click the button Create user.

  2. Fill out the form in the pop-up that will appear.

Adding contacts in bulk

1. CSV import

If you want to send your data to using the CSV option, please prepare the CSV file and follow the instructions here.

2. Copy and paste spreadsheet content

This process is nearly the same as in the CSV import option.

The only differences are:

  • Instead of uploading a CSV file, paste data by clicking on the blue letters "Paste your data" then paste your data in the box below.

  • Choose "tab" as the "Separator".

This is how it looks like step by step:

1. Go to your file

2. Copy the fields containing the data you want to submit (including column headers). Remember not to copy empty fields.

3. Go to Settings->Importers ->Users ->Import Users.

4. Specify the tags you want to add in this import series (optional)

5. Select the user list you want to add this series to (optional)

6. Select Separator, set it to Tab and click "Import"

7. Connect each column (1) in the dataset to an already existing user attribute (2). If the dataset contains attributes that do not already exist in the application, you will need to create new attributes of your own.

If you get any errors in the process, check out our tutorial on the most common importing mistakes.
