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Michał Brożyna
Written by Michał Brożyna

Knowledge Base: Adding categories and Subcategories

Learn how to structure your Knowledge Base

Categories let you organize your knowledge base in any way you wish. They can contain articles but also other subcategories so you can easily arrange the content you created.

Create a structure of your docs

To create a new category, go to Docs -> Categories and simply click the button "Create New".

You will be asked in what language you want to create this category - remember that every element of the article needs to be created in a selected language.

If a language you need does not appear on the drop-down menu, simply click "Add language +". This will let you add more languages to the drop-down menu.

After selecting the language, provide the Title and Description of the Category. If you already created other categories, you can choose which of them is the Parent category. The new category will become the Subcategory.

If you have an already prepared article, you can add it to the new category. Just pick the article and move it with the arrows. The last field is the Author of the category.

How to translate the name of any category

Each category and subcategory names can be translated into any language. Click the gear icon at the right of the record, then select Translate.

From the drop-down menu, you can get a look at the Public view of the Category, change Articles order and edit or delete a Category.

For each category, will track the average rating of all the articles and the number of their accumulated page visits.

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