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Arkadiusz Wiśniewski
Written by Arkadiusz Wiśniewski

Setting up Knowledge Base domain

Learn how to set your own Knowledge Base domain

Knowledge Base by default is visible as a link in domain (for example, You can easily change that and create your own custom link.

To configure your own Knowledge Base link:

  1. Create a custom CNAME record in your domain provider

  2. Configure the Knowledge Base domain in your application

IMPORTANT: Do the first step first, as the configuration will not work otherwise. Please contact us if you've encountered any problems.

1. Create a custom CNAME record

At your supplier's website (for example Cloudflare, Freenome etc.) you need to add a CNAME record directing to (just as it stands: "custom-domain"). After having set that up, we will automatically generate SSL certificate.


So, basically:

  • Name - is your subdomain, where you want to have your knowledge base

  • Value - is

2. Configure the domain

Go to Settings -> App Settings -> Additional -> Knowledge base settings.

Choose "Change your own domain" option and in the "Subdomain" input type: docs.<name_of_your_domain>

This is where your documentation will be stored, and "docs" is just an example of a possible subdomain of your website (thus you'll see "docs" as a subdomain in the next step).

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