How to recalculate segments
Learn more about segments' behavior and capabilities.
Basically, segment is a set of filtering parameters that forms a group of objects . So, instead of assigning the same complicated filters to find a specific group of contacts, you can simply create a segment. To know more about the nature of segments and how to create them, please start your journey with the following article.
Cached Results
To apply the segment as a filter you need to open the filters panel in any of the Data sections in the app (People/Companies/Deals, etc) you find the "Cached Results" category.
What exactly does it mean?
As the definition stays segments are automatically updated every 4 hours by default. It means that within this gap between two recalculations segments show the cached results. If you pick a segment from "Cached Results" you get the value from the last recalculation which is not older than 4 hours ago. Such a method allows to filter through massive databases in a small amount of time and fasten the processes.
Recalculation period
There are situations when 4 hours is a too big amount of time for the recalculation. In this case you can always change the period of time for a more suitable one.
The minimum period is 30 minutes. To do so, you need to proceed with several quick steps:
Enter a related Data section (People, Companies, Deals, etc)
In top right corner you need to find the "Data" button.
It will show you the dropdown of options connected with the segments.
Choose the "Segments" option (the first from the top).
You will be redirected to a separate view with the list of all segments.
Choose the segment you want to change the period of recalculation for and change the value in the "Interval" column.
We highly recommend to have various intervals for different segments in order to make the recalculation process to run faster.
Recalculation ad hoc
In case you need to get fresh results of the segment straight away, you can always recalculate chosen segments manually. It will take few minutes for the system to proceed with the task.
Follow the steps:
Enter a related Data section (People, Companies, Deals, etc)
In top right corner you need to find the "Data" button.
It will show you the dropdown of options connected with the segments.
Choose "Recalculate Segment" or "Recalculate All Segments" depending on your needs.
"Recalculate Segment" - this option will redirect you to a separate view, where you can choose the segment or several segments to be recalculated.
"Recalculate All Segments" - it will trigger the process of recalculation for all segments in your application at once. Please, remember that it will take longer to finish this task.
Wait few minutes (depending on a chosen option and the size of the database).