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Marcin Szczygieł
Written by Marcin Szczygieł

Guide to updating attributes

Learn what options you have to update user information

Updating user attributes

There are several ways you can update user information:

Manual update

  • In the user's profile

  • From the section "People"

With automation


  • Read this article

  • Note, as for now, when using this method you won't be able to update the attribute "Restricted to".


Javascript - if you use a widget

  • Read about UE.pageHit() method here

  • Note, as for now, when using this method you won't be able to update the attribute, "Enable notifications", and all attributes updated with page visits.

Javascript - if you use custom integration


Updating values of fixed choices attributes

To update these attributes, you need to remember that you have to use the "Value" and not the "Label. In the case of standard attributes such as "Assigned to" and "Restricted to" which refer to agents or agent groups, the Values are the agents' or agent groups' IDs.


You want to restrict users to a specific agent or agent group automatically after a deal is created.

  1. Create an automation process with the modules Deal and Update an attribute.

  2. In the module, Update an attribute, choose the attribute Restricted to and in the input field under Value, choose the appropriate agent or agent group.

  3. Save your automation.

You can update fixed choices attributes in conjunction with other updating methods.

List of standard attributes

  • Name {attribute_name} (type)


  • First name {first_name} (string)

  • Last name {last_name} (string)

  • Email {email} (string)

  • Phone number {phone_number} (string)

  • Gender {gender} (fixed choices; unknown - 1, male - 2, female - 3)

  • Country {country} (string)

  • Region {region} (string)

  • City {city}(string)

  • URL {current_url} (string)

  • IP address (string)

  • Referrer (string)

  • Timezone (string)

  • Device {device} (fixed choices; 1 - mobile, 2 - desktop, 3 - tablet)

  • Browser {browser} (string)

  • Browser language {browser_language} (string)

  • Browser version {browser_version} (string)

  • OS {os_type} (string)

  • Hostname {hostname} (string)

  • Screen resolution {resolution} (string)

  • Company (string)

  • Status {status} (fixed choices; visitor - 1, user - 2)

  • Score {score} (integer)

  • Assigned to {assigned_to} (fixed choices)

  • Unsubscribed from emails {unsubscribed} (boolean)

  • Facebook {facebook_url} (string)

  • LinkedIn {linkedin_url} (string)

  • Twitter {twitter_url} (string)

  • Google+ {google_url} (string)

  • User ID {user_id} (string)

  • Enable notifications {notifications} (boolean)

  • Widget visibility {widget_visibility} (fixed choices; Widget visible - 1, Widget not visible - 2)


  • Page visits (integer)

  • First seen (date & time)

  • Last seen (date & time)

  • Created (date & time)

  • Last updated (date & time)

  • Key (string)

  • Email mx valid (boolean)

  • Web push notification (boolean)

Changeable attributes updated with pageviews (not pageHit)

  • Country (string) 

  • Region (string)

  • City (string)

  • URL (string)

  • IP address (string)

  • Referrer (string)

  • Timezone (string)

  • Device (fixed choices; 1 - mobile, 2 - desktop, 3 - tablet)

  • Browser (string)

  • Browser language (string)

  • Browser version (string)

  • OS (string)

  • Hostname (string)

  • Screen resolution (string)

  • Last contacted {last_contacted} (datetime)

  • Last heard from {last_heard_from} (datetime)

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